Setting up a new company involves a great deal of planning and preparation because the legal structure that you choose will determine how your business is taxed, the amount of paperwork involved, legal exposure and the ability to sell or transfer ownership. Acevedo Network Business Center’s Business Specialists have the knowledge and experience to assist you form your new company right the first time. We are fast, reliable and affordable.
We offer a complimentary, no obligation initial consultation to discuss your specific business needs to determine which legal structure and business organization best meets your needs and will offer the most tax benefits and the highest degree of asset and personal liability protection.
If you want to start a company the right way, built on a strong foundation, you need Acevedo Network Business Center. Visit our offices today, and let’s get you started. Call us at 718 655-4573 to schedule your complementary, no obligation initial consultation at your convenience. Or complete our Callback form and we’ll contact you! Soon, you can enjoy the many benefits of being incorporated.